Universität Bonn

PhD Admission

Applying to BIGS Mathematics

We welcome applications from motivated, interested students who would like to join our graduate program.

Applications for the Doctoral (Ph.D.) Program and for the Qualifying Year can be submitted during two application perdios per year. One application period is in October/November and one application period is in March/April.

Please read carefully through the information on the required qualifications, funding and the application process. All applications are submitted electronically through the application portal. If you have questions, or if you need advice on how to apply, contact the BIGS Office.

Next announcement for PhD positions will be in March/April 2025.

Required Qualifications

To be eligible for the Bonn International Graduate School in Mathematics you need to hold a M.Sc. (Master) degree - or an equivalent thereof - in mathematics. Only in exceptional circumstances can students holding Bachelor degrees be admited to the BIGS graduate program.

You also need to be proficient in English (TOEFL iBT >80 or IELTS 5.5). Knowledge of German is not required.

© Daniela Schmidt

Funding Opportunities

While the admission to BIGS Mathematics does not automatically include funding, there are various sources of funding available to BIGS Mathematics students. BIGS screens applications for available sources of funding during the admissions process, and informs successful applicants on the opportunties available to them. Applicants are also advised to consider individual sources of funding early in the application process, and when a suitable potential doctoral advisor has been identified.

Hausdorff Doctoral Positions

Selected candidates who are ready to embark on their dissertation thesis research are offered Hausdorff Doctoral Positions for a period of three years. These positions constitute employment at the University of Bonn and come with health care and social security benefits. The net salary (TV-L E13, 75%) ranges from appr. 2000 to 2300 Euros per month depending on personal circumstances.

IMPRS Moduli Spaces - MPIM

The International Max Planck Research School IMPRS at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics offers PhD positions and grants in various areas of pure mathematics. BIGS automatically screens applications for eligibility in IMPRS "Moduli Spaces"

Check out: IMPRS

Individual Scholarships

Many German and foreign finstutitions offer individual doctoral scholarships. Most major foundations that support excellent students ("Begabtenförderwerke"), such as the Studienstiftung, also award their scholarships to foreign students who are planning on doing their doctoral degree in Germany. The DAAD is another major source of scholarships for international students with offices in many countries.

Required Documents

All applications have to be submitted online via the application portal during one of the two annual application periods. In the application portal, you will fill out a detailed application form and you will be asked to upload the required documents that are described here. All documents have to be in English or German. If you submit degree certificates in another language incdue a certified translation. Please make sure that you only upload regular PDF files and that no attachment is larger than 2MB. File names should not include any special characters. Letters of recommendations have to be sent separately via e-mail.

You will need to fill out an online application form via our application portal. Among other thing the form will ask you to specify whether you have or are in the process of securing your own funding and/or what funding (Hausdorff Positions etc.) you are applying for. It will also ask about your visa requirements.

Please submit a curriculum vitae that lists in short form your highschool and your university education as well as your academic and non-academic work experience and other relevant achievements such as publications, prizes, scholarships or professional presentations.

Please submit a letter of motivation of not more than 2 pages explaining the reasons for you to pursue a PhD in mathematics and why you are interested in doing your PhD in Bonn. State which field of mathematics you are interested in, and describe your background in ths field. Also state if you know or are in contact with a faculty member in Bonn who might be a potential suitable advisor.

Provide evidence of your English language proficiency by submitting one of the following:

  • a copy of the result of a standard test (such as IELTS or TOEFL)
  • evidence that you obtained a degree in a program that was taught in English
  • a record of English classes leading to a B2 competence level that you completed successfully

The language of instruction and the working language of BIGS Mathematics is English. Your thesis can be written in English and the examinations are taken in English. Therefore, your ability to speak English should be clearly on the level of B2 (corresponding to TOEFL iBT 80, or IELTS 5.5).

If you are a native speaker of English or German, you are exempt from providing evidence of English language proficiency. In this case, you will need to state this on the online application form.

Please upload your latest Master transcript. Make sure you include information on the courses you are taking or will be taking in your last term.

Please upload your Bachelor transcript and degree document.

Submit a substantial sample of your academic work in mathematics in English. You could submit one of the following:

  • your Master thesis, or a draft thereof
  • a chapter of your Master thesis
  • a substantial piece of work published or being prepared for publication
  • a detailed and informative abstract of your Master thesis

Your sample should reflect your mathematical background and development.

You will be asked to enter the information and e-mail addresses of at least two recommenders into the system. You recommender will be contacted automatically to upload the letter of recommendation.

Selection Process

Applications will be evaluated by the Graduate Admission Committee in consultation with faculty members. Interviews of shortlisted candidates will take place in December and January for applications submitted by the November due date and in May and June for applications submitted by the April due date. Successful candidates will receive offers of admission in Febuary (November due date) or July (April due date).

We value diversity and gender equity. To advance the opportunities of female (and non-binary) researchers in mathematics, we award a significant proportion of our positions and scholarships to women (and non-binary researchers), and preference will be give to suitably qualified female (and non-binary) candidates all other considerations being equal.

Further Information

If you have questions about the BIGS applications and admissions process, you are welcome to contact the BIGS Office.

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