Universität Bonn

HSM Forms and Documents

Welcome to the members space of the HSM! Here you can find important forms and documents to apply for membership, to apply for financial support for a conference or workshop trip, or to participate in one of the special programs. For any further question, please do not hesitate to reach out to the HSM Support Team!

HSM Membership

You can apply to become a member of HSM here. HSM Membership comes with Associate Membership at HCM, which will make you eligible to apply for financial support for travel, participation in special programs and for organizing workshops and retreats. You will also be put on our website and relevant mailing lists. PhD students will also have to fulfill certain requirements (poster sessions, mentor, etc.), to be eligible for funding. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our team!

Application for Financial Support

Travel Funding

HSM offers funding for business travel - e.g. to conferences or workshops - to its members. Please note, that by applying for travel funding via HSM you thereby agree to being reimbursed in accordance with our guidelines. If you would like to apply to host an academic visitor, please apply via your Research Area.

Global Math Exchange

This program funds 1-4 month long research visits at mathematical institutions world-wide. PhD students within their first three years are eligible. If you are applying within the Global Math Exchange Program,  you should first speak about your plans with the Scientific Coordinator.

Junior Research Retreats

This program funds intensive research retreats organized by early career researchers for early career researchers. The program is open for groups of Postdocs and Phd students. If you are planning a Junior Research Retreats, please discuss your plans with the Scientific Coordinator.

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