Universität Bonn

Hausdorff School: "Geometric Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations"

August 08 - 12, 2022

Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn)

Organizers: Tim Laux (University of Bonn), Theresa M. Simon (University of Münster)

Description: This school aims at presenting state-of-the-art techniques in geometric analysis and nonlinear PDEs to PhD students and young researchers. Its scope reaches from abstract theory to the rigorous analysis of problems originating in physics and materials science. In particular, the school will focus on the interaction of geometrical and analytical ideas in the study of nonlinear PDEs.

Format: The core of this 5-day school will be the lectures given by top researchers in the field, each of them consisting of four 1-hour classes. In a 90-minutes poster session, attending students and young researchers will have the possibility to present their research projects to their peers, the experienced speakers, and other senior participants.


Key Speakers: The following speakers will give a lecture series:

  • L. Craig Evans (UC Berkeley, USA): An overview of convergence methods for nonlinear PDE and some highlights
  • Inwon C. Kim (UC Los Angeles, USA): Density-constrained transport and interface motions
  • Felix Otto (MPI MIS, Leipzig, Germany): A variational approach to the regularity theory for optimal transportation
  • Maria G. Westdickenberg (RWTH Aachen, Germany):Convergence, metastability, and saddle points: shape information in nonlinear PDE


Period of stay
Pêdra Andrade University of Lisbon 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Glal Bacho RWTH Aachen University 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Thomas Behagel University of Bonn 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Chiara Bernardini Università di Padova 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Daniel Boutros Centre for Mathematical Sciences (University of Cambridge) 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Gianmarco Caldini University of Trento 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Jules Candau Tilh Université de Lille 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Antonin Cesik Charles University 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Andrea Chiesa University of Vienna 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Iulia Cristian Universität Bonn 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Rayhana Darwich Georg-August Universität 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Francesco Deangelis Gran Sasso Science Institute 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Lawrence Evans Dept of Mathematics, UC Berkeley 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Maria Farcaseanu   07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Ian Fleschler Princecton University 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Tobias Friesel University of Duisburg-Essen 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Jakob Fuchs Technische Universtät Dortmund 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Likhit Ganedi RWTH Aachen University 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Lukas Hauger University of Leipzig 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Georg Heinen RWTH Aachen 08.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Sebastian Hensel Universität Bonn 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
David Hruska Leipzig University 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Gongzhen Hu Universität Bonn 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Paul Hüttl Universität Regensburg 07.08.2022 – 14.08.2022
Carl Johansson Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Nicolai Jork TU Wien 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Malte Kampschulte Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Christina Inwon Kim Department of Mathematics, UCLA 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Lami Kim The Research Institute For Natural Sciences(Hanyang University) 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Patrik Knopf Universität Regensburg 07.08.2022 – 10.08.2022
Hicham Kouhkouh RWTH Aachen University 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Milan Kroemer University of Bonn  
Tobias König IMJ-PRG Paris 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Chun Yin Lam Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Yadong Liu Universität Regensburg 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Ilya Marchenko University of Notre Dame 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Alice Marveggio Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Joonas Niinikoski Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Felix Otto Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Giulio Pascale Università degli Studi di Napoli 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Bruno Predojevic University of Zagreb 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Vishnu Raveendran Karlstad University 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Reinaldo Resende IME - University of São Paulo 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Sandra Ried Universität Leipzig 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Melanie Rothe Technische Universität Darmstadt 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Fabian Rupp University of Vienna 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Christian Scharrer Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Bonn 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Manuel Schlierf Universität Ulm 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Richard Schubert Bonn University 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Akram Sharif Technische Universität Dresden 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Theresa Simon University of Münster 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
George Stamatiou University of Bonn 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Pascal Maurice Steinke Universität Bonn 08.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Ayk Telciyan University of Coimbra 07.08.2022 – 13.08.2022
Samuel Wallace University of Illinois at Chicago 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Maria Westdickenberg RWTH Aachen University 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
Yuzhe Zhu École Normale Supérieure 07.08.2022 – 12.08.2022
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