Programs for BIGS Students
PhD students at Bonn International Graduate School for Mathematics are given diverse opportunities to enhance their research and their academic and personal development. We support them to do research at excellent institutions abroad, to present their work at conferences, to organize their own events and form their own networks, as well as to gain a multitude of competences that will help them on their professional career paths.
Hausdorff Graduate Colloquium
This talk series within the Wednesdays Hausdorff Colloquium gives graduate students the opportunity to present and discuss their research.
Poster Session
During the annual 2-day poster session, all PhD students at BIGS showcase their current research to the math community in Bonn. The poster session closes with the traditional summer fest.
Young Women in... Workshops
These workshops provide a platform for young women from a specific area of mathematics to present their research.
Global Math Exchange
GME funds research stays - 1-4 months in length - at excellent mathematical institutions world-wide for our doctoral students.
Young Researcher Networking
YRN supports research workshops and other networking events organized by junior researchers for junior researchers from Bonn and other institutions.
Conference Travel
BIGS students can apply fo funding to travel to conferences and workshops.
Every BIGS Mathematics student has not only their primary supervisor, but also a mentor. The mentors role is to check on the students' progress and serve as an independent source of advice.
Professionalization Workshops
Being a succesful researcher in math requires acquiring a variety of professional skills and competences that are the focus of these offerings directed at PhD students and Postdocs.
Doctorate Plus
The University of Bonn offers a program of courses that enhance PhD students' leadership, management and networking abilities.