Trimester Program Information
HIM encourages international scientists from all areas of mathematics, mathematical economics, and mathematical physics to submit proposals for trimester programs. There are three programs in an academic year, the fall program from September to December, the winter program from January to April, and the summer program from May to August. A trimester program gives organizers the opportunity to invite researchers from their field of research. In addition to hosting longer-term guests, the organizers plan a school for students and up to three workshops. The HIM can host about 30 people at a time. The idea is to bring together people from different career stages, 10 senior scientists, 10 postdocs, and 10 PhD students. In addition to invited experts, other researchers can apply for participation. HIM provides fellowships and arrangements, commensurate with the academic status and the duration of stay. The HIM policies imply in-person-attendance.
For further details concerning the organization of a trimester program, please contact
Call for Proposals
A proposal for a Trimester Program should be written in a way that gives the members of the Scientific Advisory Board a clear picture of the topics and the goals of the program. There are no formal requirements. But we recommend a proposal to contain the following key items:
- title page with title, organizers including their current academic status and their affiliation, and proposed slots (first and second choice)
- brief description of the overall aims of the trimester program
- core topics of the Trimester Program, important developments and goals
- planned activities (workshops, roughly one per month, one School) and a list of possible additional organizers beyond TP organizers for these activities
- a list of and commitments by possible long-term participants (with a stay of at least 15 consecutive days); please attach emails from these colleagues where they express interest in participating and short-term guests
- bibliography
The deadline for next submitting a proposal will be the end of September 2025. The decision of the Scientific Advisory Board regarding the proposal submitted before September 2024 will be expected in early 2025.
The Scientific Advisory Board decides about three programs taking place in the period between September 2027 and August 2028. Proposals can be sent in at any time until September 30. They should be sent (preferably by e-mail) to:
Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm
Director of HIM
Poppelsdorfer Allee 45
53115 Bonn, Germany

The overall budget for the Trimester Program is 330.000 €, 90.000 € of which is reserved for junior researchers in particular. All participant costs and all costs for additional activities such as workshops must come from the budget. HIM usually pays a monthly fellowship to long-term guests, from which they pay all expenses, i.e. travel, housing, meals, and so on. As a basic principle, HIM does not pay travel subsidies to senior scientists. For short-term guests we provide single accommodation.
There are 30 work desks at the Institute. There are about 15 more work desks in Poppelsdorfer Allee 82 available for HIM. In this building, also the HIM administration is located. Participants of workshops do not get offices.
The HIM Lecture Hall accommodates up to 40 persons. Standard equipment includes chairs (w/o desks or tables), beamer with screen and connected PC (presentations on a USB stick), 2-part chalk board (vertical extension), a view board, a sound system, and air conditioning. Video recording is possible. A video streaming from the main Lecture Hall at HIM to a second lecture room may be installed. In this second lecture room, up to another 10 persons can follow the talks.
Invitation to experts
The organizers should contact experts in due time, clarify with them on the possible dates of their visits. The official invitations will be sent out by the Director of HIM as soon as the organizers have provided a list of experts including all email addresses and these people have registered to the program.
In consultation with the organizers, HIM designs a website and a poster. The organizers have to propose a text and provide an image. The titles/topics and dates of the planned workshops should be mentioned on the website and the poster, so that prospective participants can time their dates of stay accordingly. Some experts who have already confirmed their participation should be mentioned on the website. HIM has an international distribution list containing approx. 1000 institutions. The costs for the production and distribution of the poster will be paid by HIM separately and not deducted from the total Trimester Program budget.
Invitation to participants
HIM puts an online application form on the website of the Trimester Program. After the deadline for applications has expired, the organizers can examine the applications (including letters of intent, CVs, lists of publications, and recommendation letters) online. The organizers will design a list of guests who obtain an invitation. Depending on the remaining budget and office space, it will also be possible to send out additional invitations during the program.
Organization of a School
The organizers contact possible lecturers in due time and determine a week of this event in accordance with HIM. They may nominate up to 4 key speakers, which have to be present for a minimum of 3 days and hold a minimum of 3 talks. Other (non-key) speakers can be invited as the organizers deem relevant. In consultation with the organizers, HIM will design a poster for the School. In addition to the guests, participating in the trimester program during the time of the school, up to 25 participants (out of a pool of applications, submitted via a corresponding platform) may be invited. Given the limitation of available seats in the lecture hall, up to 60 overall guests (school & program) may be at HIM at the time of a school.
Organization of workshops
When the organizers have decided to organize a workshop, they determine a week of this event in accordance with HIM. The organizers agree on and submit a list of up to max. 20 particpants/speakers, in addition to the guests, participating in the trimester program during the time of the workshop. HIM administration sends out invitations several months before the event starts. Given the limitation of available seats in the lecture hall, up to 60 overall guests (workshop & program) may be at HIM at the time of a workshop. In general, HIM does not reimburse travel costs of workshop speakers and participants (not even for PhD students or postdocs).
Public Talk
HIM is very interested in outreach activities. Therefore, part of each trimester program is a public talk: in the HIM's lecture hall, a participant of the trimester program holds a public mathematical lecture, which in a broader sense has to do with their research or the topic of the trimester program. The lectures are also aimed at mathematical laypersons.
Small activities
Additional small activities like a seminar series can be initiated spontaneously during the Trimester Program, but longer term planning is appreciated and encouraged.