July 23 - 27, 2018
Lipschitz-Saal, Endenicher Allee 60
Organizers: Matthias Erbar (Bonn), Martin Huesmann (Bonn), Martin Pollrich (Bonn)
Description: Prompted by Brenier's existence result and Gangbo--McCann's insight on the geometry of optimal transport plans, the theory of optimal transport has seen spectacular developments in the last 25 years with fascinating applications in various mathematical areas ranging from functional inequalities over geometry and PDEs to mathematical physics.
In recent years, Optimal transport has turned into a powerful tool also for various problems in economics (and finance) such as the problem of model uncertainty, matching problems, portfolio optimization, hedonic equilibria, and mechanism design. And vice versa problems in economics have inspired fascinating new developments in optimal transport largely expanding the scope of the theory.
This Hausdorff School brings together some of the leading scholars in optimal transport and economic theory. It aims at introducing graduate students and young postdocs to some of these intriguing new directions at the intersection of economics and optimal transport and to foster the future interaction between these two fields.

Lecture Series by:
- Constantinos Daskalakis (MIT)
- Alfred Galichon (NYU)
- Matching models with general transfers
- Robert McCann (U Toronto)
- Optimal Transportation Between Unequal Dimensions
- On Concavity of the Monopolist's Problem Facing Consumers with Nonlinear Price Preferences
- The Dynamics of Multisectorial Matching
- Soumik Pal (U Washington)
- Stochastic portfolio theory: an optimal transport approach
Invited Speakers
- Julio Backhoff (TU Wien)
- Causal optimal transport: model misspecification and the role of information
- Mathias Beiglböck (TU Wien)
- Martingale Optimal Transport Approach to Derivative Pricing
- Georg Nöldeke (U Basel)
- Equilibrium Transport and Galois Connections
In case you are interested in participating, please fill out the application form. The deadline for applications is 30th April 2018. All applications, submitted after that will be considered on an individual basis.
For further questions regarding this Hausdorff School, please contact ot-et(at)hcm.uni-bonn.de.

Person |
Affiliation |
Period of stay |
Julio Backhoff Veraguas | Universität Wien | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Ian Ball | Yale University | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Mathias Beiglböck | Universität Wien | 24.07.2018 – 25.07.2018 |
Samuël Borza | Durham University | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Mathias Braun | University of Toronto | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Martin Brückerhoff Plückelmann | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Luis Fabiano Carvalho Monteiro | Yale University | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Robert Crowell | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Konstantinos Daskalakis | MIT | 23.07.2018 – 26.07.2018 |
Micole Vincent De Vera | Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI) | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Deniz Dizdar | Université de Montreal | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Alireza Doagooei | Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Stephan Eckstein | Universität Konstanz | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Matthias Erbar | Universität Bielefeld | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Max Fathi | Université Paris Cité | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Justus Fink | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Dominik Forkert | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Alfred Galichon | New York University | 23.07.2018 – 25.07.2018 |
Philippe Gillen | ZEW | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Artem Grigorev | University of Dundee | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Gaoyue Guo | Oxford University | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Carl Heese | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Duc Trung Hoang | Institute Mathematics of Bordeaux | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Martin Huesmann | Universität Münster | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Asgar Jamneshan | ETH Zurich | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Junchao Jia | London School of Economics and Political Science | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Deniz Kattwinkel | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Marcel Klatt | Universität Goettingen | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Hyeng Keun Koo | Ajou University | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Eugen Kovac | Universität Duisburg-Essen | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Patrick Lahr | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Stephan Lauermann | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Young Jun Lee | University College London | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Tobias Lehmann | Universität Leipzig | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Helene Mass | Centre for European Economic Research | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Robert McCann | University of Toronto | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Alessio Monetti | University of Luxembourg | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Sai Ganesh Nagarajan | Singapore University of Technology and Design | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Paul Navas Alban | TU Dortmund | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Daniel Ng | University of Bath | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Dominykas Norgilas | University of Warwick | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Georg Nöldeke | University of Basel | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Soumik Pal | University of Washington, Seattle | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Catalin Ionut Pelinescu | RWTH Aachen | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Martin Pollrich | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Maxime Prod'homme | Université Paul Sabatier | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Thomas Reitsam | LMU Munich | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Chiara Rigoni | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Benjamin Robinson | University of Bath | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Joseph Root | UC Berkeley | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Nicola Rosaia | Harvard University | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |
Julian Sester | Universität Freiburg | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Thomas Skill | Bochum University of Applied Sciences | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Alexey Smolin | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Luca Tamanini | Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Tushar Vaidya | Singapore University of Technology and Design | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Daniela Vögler | TU Muenchen | 23.07.2017 – 27.07.2017 |
Cédric Wasser | Universität Bonn | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
ShengJhih Wu | Soochow University | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Yoav Zemel | Universität Göttingen | 22.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Shuangjian Zhang | University of Toronto | 23.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 |
Xin Zhang | University of Michigan | 22.07.2018 – 28.07.2018 |