Besides our extensive research and study programs, various institutions from Bonn Mathematics offer special programs devoted to promoting scientific collaborative events, supporting international visitors, or providing further educational opportunities for our early career researchers.
HIM Trimester Programs
The Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics organizes long-term programs devoted to specific topics in mathematics. Groups of international researchers of all career stages are invited to come to Bonn to carry out research with an emphasis on collaborative activities. Junior Trimester Programs focus on bringing together excellent groups of young researchers.
HSM Hausdorff Schools
The Hausdorff School for Mathematics organizes intensive week-long schools on various research topics in mathematics. During a HSM School Postdocs and PhD students have the opportunity to train under renowned experts in their fields and to discuss their research with peers. Schools are open to early-career researchers woldwide.
YAM: Young African Mathematicians Fellowship
The Young African Mathematicians Program enables excellent graduates of the AIMS Master Program to spend an academic year at the mathematics department in Bonn immersing themselves in the rich mathematical environment, enhancing their education and working on a research project under the supervision of a mentor.
Global Math Exchange
The Global Math Exchange Program enables graduate students from BIGS Mathematics to spend 4 weeks to 4 months at a mathematical research institution worldwide. Students select a host and an institution that best meets their interests and needs. During their research stay they discuss their work with international experts and develop their own collaborations.
Young Researcher Networking
The Young Researcher Netwworking Program allows postdocs and PhD students to organize an intensive collaborative meeting at a place outside of Bonn. In this way, our early career members are encouraged to foster their own networks and collaborations by organizing an event by junior researchers for junior researchers.
Teaching Mentoring
The Teaching Mentoring Program is designed to help young researchers develop solid teaching skills under the mentorship of an experienced professor. Postdocs and professors plan a lecture or course together with the Postdoc teaching at least half of the classes, and receives systematic feedback and advice from her or his mentor.