Universität Bonn

Trimester Program: "Multiscale Problems: Algorithms, Numerical Analysis and Computation"

January 3 - April 21, 2017

Organizers: Susanne C. Brenner, Björn Engquist, Max Gunzburger, Daniel Peterseim, Marc Alexander Schweitzer

Description: Many physical processes in material sciences or geophysics are characterised by inherently complex interactions across a large range of non-separable scales in space and time. The resolution of all features on all scales in a computer simulation easily exceeds today's computing resources by multiple orders of magnitude. The observation and prediction of physical phenomena from multiscale models, hence, requires insightful numerical techniques to adaptively select relevant scales and effectively represent unresolved scales. The program has enhanced the development of corresponding algorithms and the mathematics behind them so that the reliable and efficient numerical simulation of challenging multiscale problems eventually becomes feasible in modern high performance computing environments.

Associated Events: We hosted long-term visitors and organized the following focused activities:

  • Winter School on Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Problems (January 9-13)
  • Workshop on Numerical Inverse and Stochastic Homogenization (February 13-17)
  • Workshop on Non-local Material Models and Concurrent Multiscale Methods (April 3-7)


No. Author(s) Title Preprint Publication
2017a01 Gallistl, D.; Peterseim, D. Numerical stochastic homogenization by quasilocal effective diffusion tensors 1702.08858 Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 17(3) (2019), 637-651.
2017a02 Carstensen, C.; Gallistl, D.; Gedicke, J. Residual-based a posteriori error analysis for symmetric mixed Arnold-Winther FEM 1705.08851 Numer. Math. 142 (2019), 205–234.
2017a03 Chung, E. T.; Efendiev, Y.; Leung, W. T. Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method 1704.03193 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 339 (2018), 298-319.
2017a04 Gallistl, D.; Henning, P.; Verfürth, B. Numerical homogenization of H(curl)-problems 1706.02966 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 56(3) (2018), 1187-1986.
2017a05 Bartels, S.; Buttazzo, G. Numerical solution of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem arising in optimal insulation 1708.03762 Interfaces Free Bound. 21(1) (2019), 1–19.
2017a06 Nochetto, R. H.; Ntogkas, D.; Zhang, W. Two-scale method for the Monge-Ampère equation: convergence to the viscosity solution 1706.06193 Math. Comp. 88 (2019), 637-664.
2017a07 Nochetto, R. H.; Ntogkas, D.; Zhang, W. Two-scale method for the Monge-Ampère equation: pointwise error estimates 1706.09113 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 39(3) (2019), 1085–1109.
2017a08 Nochetto, R. H.; Walker, S. W.; Zhang, W. The Ericksen model of liquid crystals with colloidal and electric effects 1708.00925 Journal of Computational Physics. 352 (2018), 568-601.
2017a09 Hutridurga, H.; Venkataraman, C. Heterogeneity and strong competition in ecology 1710.06116 European Journal of Applied Mathematics. 30(4) (2019), 682–706.
2017a10 Schmuck, M.; Pavliotis, G.A.; Kalliadasis, S. Recent advances in the evolution of interfaces: thermodynamics, upscaling, and universality 1804.09228  Computational Materials Science. 156 (2019), 441-451.
2017a11 Alaeian, H.; Schedensack, M.; Bartels, C.; Peterseim, Daniel; Weitz, M. Thermo-optical interactions in a dye-microcavity photon Bose-Einstein condensate 1710.01706 New J. Phys. 19 (2019).
2017a12 Altmann, R.; Chung, E.; Maier, R.; Peterseim, D.; Pun, S.-M. Computational multiscale methods for linear heterogeneous poroelasticity 1801.00615  Journal of Computational Mathematics. 38 (1), 41-57.
2017a13 Altmann, R.; Henning, P.; Peterseim, D. Quantitative Anderson localization of Schrödinger eigenstates under disorder potentials 1803.09950  Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 30(5) (2020), 917-955.
2017a14 Barrenechea, G. R.; González, C. A stabilized finite element method for a fictitious domain problem allowing small inclusions   Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 34(1) (2018), 1-380.
2017a15 Bartels, S.; Diening, L.; Nochetto, R. H. Unconditional stability of semi-implicit discretizations of singular flows 1712.03260 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 56(3) (2018), 1187-1986.
2017a16 Boiveau, T.; Ehrlacher, V.; Ern, A.; Nouy, A. Low-rank approximation of linear parabolic equations by space-time tensor Galerkin methods 1712.07256 ESAIM: M2AN. 53(2) (2019), 635 – 658.
2017a17 Brenner, S. C.; Gedicke, J.; Sung, L. C0 Interior Penalty Methods for an Elliptic Distributed Optimal Control Problem on Nonconvex Polygonal Domains with Pointwise State Constraints   SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 56(3) (2018), 1187-1986.
2017a18 Brown, D. L.; Gedicke, J. Upscaling Singular Sources in Weighted Sobolev Spaces by Sub-Grid Corrections 1802.02460  
2017a19 Brown, D. L.; Gedicke, J.; Peterseim, D. Numerical Homogenization of Heterogeneous Fractional Laplacians 1709.00730 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. 16(3) (2018), 1085-1453.
2017a20 Carstensen, C.; Bringmann, P.; Hellwig, F.; Wriggers, P. Nonlinear discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods 1710.00529 Numer. Math. 139 (2018), 529–561.
2017a21 Chung, E.; Efendiev, Y.; Leung, W. T. Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method in the mixed formulation 1705.05959 Comput Geosci. 22 (2018), 677–693.
2017a22 Diehl, P.; Lipton, R.; Schweitzer, M. A. Numerical verification of a bond-based softening peridynamic model for small displacements: Deducing material parameters from classical linear theory   appeared in Technical report, Institut für Numerische Simulation
2017a23 Du, Q.; Tao, Y.; Tian, X.; Yang, J. Asymptotically compatible discretization of multidimensional nonlocal diffusion models and approximation of nonlocal Greens functions   Journal of Numerical Analysis. 39(2) (2019), 607–625.
2017a24 Gallistl, D. Numerical approximation of planar oblique derivative problems in nondivergence form   Math. Comp. 88 (2019), 1091-1119.
2017a25 Gallistl, D.; Peterseim, D. Computation of quasi-local effective diffusion tensors and connections to the mathematical theory of homogenization   Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. 15(4) (2017), 1325-1864.
2017a26 Graham, I. G.; Sauter, S. A. Stability and error analysis for the Helmholtz equation with variable coefficients 1803.00966  Math. Comp. 89(321) (2020), 105-138.
2017a27 Graham, I. G.; Spence, E. A.; Zou, J. Domain Decomposition with local impedance conditions for the Helmholtz equation 1806.03731  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 58(5) (2020), 2435-3123.
2017a28 Henning, P.; Peterseim, D. Cranknicolson galerkin approximations to nonlinear schrdinger equations with rough potentials   Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 27(11) (2017), 2147-2184.
2017a29 Hu, J.; Schedensack, M. Two low-order nonconforming finite element methods for the Stokes flow in three dimensions 1710.06682 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 39(3) (2019), 1447–1470.
2017a30 Jensen, M.; Målqvist, A.; Persson, A. Finite element convergence for the time-dependent Joule heating problem with mixed boundary conditions 1801.10105  IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 42(1) (2022), 199–228.
2017a31 Jha, P. K.; Lipton, R. Numerical analysis of nonlocal fracture models in Hölder space 1701.02818 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 56(2) (2018), 635-1185.
2017a32 Jha, P. K.; Lipton, R. Numerical convergence of nonlinear nonlocal continuum models to local elastodynamics 1707.00398 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 114(13) (2018), 1351-1461.
2017a33 Maier, R.; Peterseim, D. Explicit Computational Wave Propagation in Micro-Heterogeneous Media 1803.07898 Bit Numer Math. 59 (2019), 443–462.
2017a34 Peterseim, D.; Schedensack, M. Relaxing the CFL condition for the wave equation on adaptive meshes 1601.04812 J Sci Comput. 72 (2017), 1196–1213.
2017a35 Sauter, S.; Torres, C. Stability estimate for the Helmholtz equation with rapidly jumping coefficients 1711.05430 Angew. Math. Phys. 69(139) (2018).
2017a36 Yang, Y.; Engquist, B. Analysis of optimal transport and related misfit functions in full-waveform inversion   GEOPHYSICS. 83(1) (2018), 1JF-Z3.


Name Affiliation
Blanca Ayuso de Dios University of Bologna
John Ball University of Oxford
Gabriel R. Barrenechea University of Strathclyde
Soeren Bartels Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Mario Bebendorf Universität Bayreuth
Pavel Blagovestov Bochev Sandia National Laboratories
Thomas Boiveau Université Paris-Est, CERMICS, ENPC
Susanne Brenner Louisiana State University
Donald Brown University of Nottingham
Sean Carney University of Texas at Austin
Carsten Carstensen Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Jiun-Shyan Chen University of California, San Diego
Eric Chung The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Nicole Cusimano Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Marta D'Elia Sandia National Laboratories
Jérôme Daquin RMIT University
Juan Carlos De los Reyes Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Patrick Diehl Universität Bonn
Yalchin Efendiev Texas A&M University
Bjorn Engquist University of Texas at Austin
Alexandre Ern CERMICS, ENPC
Michael Feischl UNSW Australia
Julian Fischer IST Austria
Jan Philip Freese Karlsruhe Institue of Technology
Jan Philip Freese Karlsruhe Institue of Technology
Dietmar Gallistl Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Joscha Gedicke Universität Wien
Emmanuil Georgoulis University of Leicester and National Technical University of Athens
Ivan Graham University of Bath
Max Gunzburger Florida State University
Wolfgang Hackbusch MPI Mathematik i.d.N.
Friederike Hellwig Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Patrick Henning KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Viet Ha Hoang Nanyang Technological University
Harsha Hutridurga Imperial College London
Harsha Hutridurga Imperial College London
Bartosz Jaroszkowski Sussex University
Illia Karabash Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine
Fotini Karakatsani University of Chester
Vladimir Kazeev University of Geneva
Sebastian Krumscheid École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Omar Lakkis Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Guanglian Li Universität Bonn
Martin Lind Karlstad University
Robert Lipton Louisiana State University
Dongjie Liu Shanghai University
Roland Maier Universität Bonn
Charalambos Makridakis University of Sussex
Heinrich Mellmann Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Olga Mula Université Paris Dauphine
Adrian Muntean Karlstad University
Ricardo Nochetto University of Maryland
Michael Ortiz Universität Bonn
Ivan Oseledets Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Houman Owhadi Caltech
Eun-Hee Park Kangwon National University
Eun-Jae Park Yonsei University
Christoph Paulus Ircad/Inria
Anna Persson Chalmers University of Technology
Daniel Peterseim Universität Bonn
Daniel Peterseim Universität Augsburg
Konstantin Pieper Florida State University
Maxim Rakhuba Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Stefan Sauter Universität Zürich
Mira Schedensack Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin
Robert Scheichl University of Bath
Markus Schmuck Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and School for Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Marc Alexander Schweitzer Universität Bonn
Linus Seelinger Universität Heidelberg
Pablo Seleson Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chi-Wang Shu Brown University
Rob Stevenson University of Amsterdam
Christian Stohrer Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Li-yeng Sung Louisiana State University
Milica Taskovic The University of Texas at Austin
Xiaochuan Tian Columbia University
Céline Torres University of Zurich
Jeremy Trageser The George Washington University
Gantumur Tsogtgerel McGill University
Dora Varga Universität Bonn
Chandrasekhar Venkataraman University of St Andrews
Barbara Verfürth Universität Münster
Gopal Yalla University of Texas at Austin
Jiang Yang Columbia University
Yunan Yang The University of Texas at Austin
Lei Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Poster TP_2017_01.jpg

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