Career Prospects for Mathematicians
Mathematicians are versatile and therefore in demand in many areas, and their career prospects can generally be described as very good. There is no standardized job description.
Mathematicians are employed in all professional fields in which analytical thinking and dealing with complex problems are required. In addition to the obvious industries such as finance and insurance or IT development, this often includes cross-project tasks or strategic planning in companies and government agencies. The mathematical specialization in the course of study generally has no influence on the job prospects of graduates.
For each sector, you will find a small and by no means representative selection of companies and institutions where mathematicians are employed. There (as with many other companies and institutions) you can apply for an internship during your studies and for a job after graduation.
Finance and Insurance
Many mathematicians work in banks or insurance companies. Mathematics graduates are also attractive for market research institutes and management consultancies.
Particularly at a bank or insurance company, in-service training to become an actuary is possible. Information on this can be found at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. (DGVFM).
The selection is neither checked nor filtered. There are no connections between Bonn Mathematics and the companies mentioned.
- Allianz insurance
- DAV-DGVFM Deutsche Aktuar-Vereinigung
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V.
- Deloitte Deutschland
- Deutsche Post DHL Bonn
- Ergo Gruppe
- FDM Frankfurt a.M.
- GenRe General Reinsurance, Köln
- JCW Frankfurt a.M.
- Jane Street London
- Milliman Düsseldorf
- R+V insurance
- Roland Berger strategic consultancy
- Signal Iduna insurance
- SIZ Sparkassen Finanzgruppe
- SRC Security Consulting, Bonn
Information Technology and Logistics
Mathematical thinking and knowledge is very useful for the development of software. For example, mathematicians in IT companies deal with making algorithms more efficient or finding creative solutions to programming problems.
In the logistics industry, mathematicians are used e.g. to plan transport routes or to optimize workflows in sorting and distribution processes.
The selection is neither checked nor filtered. There are no connections between Bonn Mathematics and the companies mentioned.
- BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Bonn
- Coredinate security and maintenance
- Deskmate desktop virtualization & cloud solutions, Stuttgart
- msg Systems München
- NEOMATIC IT consultancy, mainly for insurance, Köln & Berlin
- QuantCo data analysis
Research and Development in the Industry
Whether in the automotive industry, in the energy sector or in medical technology:
In many places, mathematicians develop models and optimize processes for researching new products and further developing existing ones.
The selection is neither checked nor filtered. There are no connections between Bonn Mathematics and the companies mentioned.
- Bayer, Leverkusen
- Boehringer, Ingelheim
- Rhenag, Köln
- Siemens Advanta, München
Academic Career
Some mathematicians decide to pursue a career in research or teaching, either at a university or at other scientific and research institutions.
This path usually starts with a scientific assistant position and often leads to several stations in Germany and abroad.
Offers of Bonn University:
- Doctorate plus qualification during a Ph.D.
- Doktorhut - alles gut?! career perspectives after a Ph.D.
Fujrther institutes (without connection to Bonn University):
- CERN (Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire), Geneva
- Offers for students - G-RIPS (Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects Program)
- Inflanet Laboratory of Pathogen Host Interactions, Montpellier
- Mathematics of Random Systems Centre for Doctoral Training, London
- MPI Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig
- Mimesis simulation for medicine, Strasbourg
Professional Practice Colloquium
In order to inform students about concrete examples of professional activities, the mathematical institutes of the University of Bonn organize the Berufspraktische Kolloquium (professional practice colloquium). On several evenings per semester, mathematicians employed in industry present the company in which they work and their fields of activity. This can lead to contacts for internships or for your own career entry.
In most cases these events are held in German.
- general information on career planning
- tips on how to apply for a job
- information exchanges on various industries
- in-service training programs
- preparation for the job search
Offers of Bonn University:
- Career Service
- Femtec - career development for female STEM students
- Next Stop: Job - meeting with employers in the region
- Transfer Center enaCom - support for founders and start-ups
Further career platforms (selection):
- - career network
- How it works: Der Weg zum Job - ZeitCampus & Techniker
- StepStone - service for the career start
- VFF - Verband Fach- und Führungskräfte e.V.
When looking for a suitable position for an internship or employment after graduation, job portals are helpful where you can filter the posted information by industry, company location, and the like.
We have compiled a selection of these for you.
University of Bonn - Stellenangebote für Studierende
Further portals (selection):
Fairs for Studies and Jobs
At study fairs, universities present their degree programs and advise you on how to plan your studies.
At job fairs you can meet representatives of companies, find out about offers and opportunities, and make useful contacts.
Study fairs:
- QS Master-Messe, Frankfurt a.M.
Job fairs:
- Karrieretag
- Women & Work - career events for women
Further Topics
Are you interested in social commitments or a social issue?
Here you will find additional offers that might interest you during your studies, but which are not directly relevant to your career or studies.
CyberMentor - female students in STEM subjects as mentors