Studying Abroad

Study-Related Stays Abroad

Studying mathematics at the University of Bonn offers you a wide range of opportunities to study at a university abroad for one or more semesters. Normally, the credits you earn abroad can be transferred to us after your return. This means that you not only benefit from the experience you gain during your studies abroad, but also earn credits towards your degree without interruption.

In particular, the European Union's ERASMUS+ program enables European and worldwide student exchanges. The University of Bonn was awarded the ERASMUS "E-Quality" quality seal by the DAAD already in 2012.

The exchange programs of the University of Bonn are coordinated by the central International Office in close cooperation with the contact persons responsible for the exchange and the ERASMUS program. Please contact our ERASMUS coordinator for such an exchange.

Opportunities for Studying Abroad

On the pages of the International Office you will find an overview of the opportunities you have as a student at the University of Bonn to study abroad.

Exchange with the ERASMUS+ Program

© Europäische Kommission

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Bonn is constantly reviewing current contract opportunities and currently maintains partnerships with around 15 universities in Europe as part of the ERASMUS+ program. Every year, around 30 places are available in mathematics to study at one of the partner universities, and we welcome exchange students from our partners to study mathematics in Bonn.

If you have any questions about studying abroad, please contact the ERASMUS coordinator for Mathematics - he will be happy to advise you and can be contacted via e-mail for a counseling talk:

Avatar Räsch

Dr. Thoralf Räsch

Büro/Office 0.022

Exchange Students in Bonn Mathematics - Incoming

If you would like to come to Bonn Mathematics as an exchange student from a partner university, we invite you to contact us with any questions you may have and welcome you warmly. For general questions, you will initially be looked after centrally by colleagues from the Department of International Affairs here at the University of Bonn. For subject-specific questions, please contact our ERASMUS coordinator of Mathematics, in particular to clarify questions about your contractual situation: Learning Agreement, Certificate of Stay, etc. If you have any questions about the course catalog, course offerings or course times, you are also welcome to contact the colleagues at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.

  • Questions about Bonn which are not mathematics-related (e.g. about accomodation), can be addresses to the International Office.
  • For mathematics-specific questions please turn to the ERASMUS-coordinator of Mathematics.
  • If you have any questions about planning your studies, the content of courses and the timetable, please contact the study management of Mathematics.
  • Find out about the degree program in which you are enrolled with us, in particular the examination regulations and the module handbook.
  • The list of courses offered in a particular semester can be found in the course overview of Bonn University.
  • Please inform yourselves about participation in the desired courses.
  • You must register in good time for each examination you wish to take.
  • Exchange students cannot register for examinations online. Please use our form for examination registration.

Exchange for Mathematics Students from Bonn - Outgoing

If you are a student in Bonn Mathematics planning a stay abroad, you can find out more in advance here. Individual advice is also highly recommended!

An application without advice is not recommended, as each stay is individually designed.

  • Applicants are generally suited if their academic achievements to date distinguish them as good to very good students and they are therefore eligible for the ERASMUS scholarship.
  • Applicants must provide credible proof of their language skills to show that they will not only be able to find their way around in the target country, but will also be able to follow the lectures and seminars linguistically. The language requirements have been agreed on individually with the partner universities.
  • The ERASMUS coordinator will also support you in this matter in a consultation.
  • You can be funded for a maximum of 12 months.
  • This is possible once for both Bachelor's and Master's degree programs.
  • You must be enrolled at the University of Bonn during the funding period.
  • You must specify the duration of your study-related stay abroad when you apply.
  • It is not possible to extend a one-semester stay afterwards.
  • If you do extend your stay nevertheless, you will not receive any further installments. However, after consultation with the International Office, you can still formally be considered an ERASMUS student ("label student").
  • There is one selection date per year, regardless of whether you want to go abroad for a winter or summer semester.
  • If you would like to go abroad for 2 semesters, the start must be in a winter semester.
  • The final application deadline for a stay abroad in the following academic year (starting in October) is February 15.


  • We will collect all applications by February 1.
  • We will then decide from this group on the basis of the application documents according to the places available.
  • From February 2 until the final deadline of February 15, any free places will be allocated immediately to other applicants, provided they are suitable according to the application documents.

In order to apply you need

  • the filled ERASMUS-Data Sheet
  • a signed curriculum vitae
  • the transcript of your academic achievements
  • proof of language skills for the target country (e.g. school knowledge, language courses, stay abroad)
  • a letter of motivation 1 explaining your reasons for the stay abroad (no more than one page DIN-A4).

Applications are submitted via the University of Bonn's online portal Mobility-Online. You must also submit all required documents and evidence there by the application deadline of February 1 of each year.

Link to the online application you may find here.

Please read the detailed instructions for preparing your application on the Erasmus pages of the International Office of the University of Bonn beforehand. Let us also advise you from the ERASMUS coordinator.

1 In the letter of motivation, applicants should explain why they would like to go to the desired partner university in the respective target country via the ERASMUS program. In principle, an enrichment of the studies, not just the life experience, must be expected.

Before your semester abroad you need to complete an Online Learning Agreement (OLA).

  • The learning agreement contains the list of courses you plan to attend at the host university.
  • The learning agreement should contain a study program of at least 20 ECTS.
  • Unfortunately, learning agreements that contain less cannot be accepted, as there will be no funding.
  • After your stay abroad, you should provide evidence of at least 15 ECTS on your transcript of records.
  • If you have less than 15 ECTS, the ERASMUS funding will be reclaimed. Exception: Cases of hardship such as illness, family events, etc.
  • You will find corresponding information on the pages of the International Office.

The learning agreement must be checked by two authorities at your home university:

  • by the ERASMUS coordinator and
  • by the office responsible for recognition.

That means for the mathematics department:

  • After your return, you get the ECTS credits earned at the host university credited to your studies.

Erasmus Partner Universities of Bonn Mathematics - List of Current Contracts


University Language/Level Places for 1 Semester Places for 2 Semesters

Universiteit Gent

not regulated 0-1 (?) 1-2


Charles University Prague Czech / English 2 mathematics
1 didactics
1 mathematics
2 didactics


Sorbonne Université Paris French B2 2 10


Università degli Studi di Milano Italian / English B1 4 0

Università di Pisa Italian A1 0 2

Università degli Studi di Roma Italian / English B1 0-2 1


Eindhoven University of Technology English C1 2 1


University of Stavanger Norwegian B2 0 1


Uniwersytet Warszawski Polish B2 (Bachelor)
English B2 (Master)
2 1


Universidade de Lisboa Portuguese A2
English B1
0-2 0-2


Univerza v Ljubljani Slovenian / English B2 2 1


Universidad de Alicante Spanish B1 2 0

Universitat de Barcelona Catalan A2 (Bachelor)
English A2 (Master)
0 2

Universidad Complutense Madrid Spanish B1 0-2 0-2


École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne French B2 (Bachelor)
English possible (Master)
0 2


Middle East Technical University Ankara English B1 0-2 0-2

© Europäische Kommission
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Certificate of Intercultural Competence

The Certificate of Intercultural Competence is an extra-curricular offer of the University of Bonn. You can acquire it if you would like to have

  • international experiences,
  • participation in language courses, in internationally oriented courses, and other international activities,
  • commitment to supporting foreign students,

recognized with a certificate.

© Volker Lannert/Universität Bonn

Contact Us


Study Counseling and Examinaton Office of Mathematics

Coordination of Study Abroad

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