Attending Courses
- lectures, partly accompanied by problem sessions / exercise classes,
- seminars, and
- practical trainings.
The courses of a semester are announced in the electronic course catalog on the campus-platform BASIS. Generally, no formal registration is required in order to participate in a course.
Here we present the procedure and specific details on the implementation of the various courses.

In all lectures, you can simply go to the dates announced in the course catalog. For lectures that are accompanied by problem sessions, you can find out how to get a place in an exercise class in BASIS or at the first lecture date.
The lectures are assigned to one or more degree programs. In most cases, the module code indicates the academic year in which they are scheduled and whether they belong to one of the six study areas (A to F), or if they are basic (G):
Module code = V(lecture) [study year] [area or G] [No.] = V [1-5] [A-G] [1-6]
- In the subject-specific programs, please pay attention to the assignment to one of the six areas of study for the required area coverage.
- In principle, you may attend all lectures that are offered, even if they are not part of your degree program.
- Attending a lecture does not guarantee the right to take an exam! If the lecture is not part of your degree program and you not only want to attend the lecture but also take the exam, please contact the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics to find out if and how this is possible.
Many lecturers set up a course for their lectures on the electronic learning platform eCampus where they disseminate information about the lecture and make teaching materials available. In addition, in many cases the division into exercise groups is carried out there, and sometimes the submission of exercises takes place electronically in eCampus.
If an eCampus course has been set up for a lecture or exercise, you will find the link to the course in the course catalog. In some cases, you will need a password to join the course. You will then either find this directly in BASIS for the course or you will receive it from the lecturer at the first lecture.
In some lectures with many exercise groups, places in the exercises are allocated electronically. This applies in particular to the basic lectures in the subject and teacher training bachelor's programs. In these cases, you will find a note in BASIS about how you can get a place in an exercise group.
The allocation usually takes place in the eCampus course of the lecture or the exercises. You should then join the course as early as possible and follow the instructions on how to register for the exercise.
A large part of the mathematical material is taught in lectures. The structure and type of presentation is at the discretion of the lecturer.
The following applies to lectures with exercises (module code V1 to V4):
The Examination Board announces that in all lecture modules to which problem sessions are assigned, the prerequisite for participation in the examination is the successful completion of the problem sessions.
- You will be allocated a place in an exercise group.
- You work on the exercises and hand them in according to the teacher's instructions.
- At the end of the lecture period, it will be recorded whether you have passed the exercise.
- The success of the exercise determines whether or not you are admitted to the module examination for the lecture.
As the number of talks in seminars is limited, you must apply for a place before the semester in which you would like to attend a seminar. To do this, you usually attend either an information event or a preliminary meeting with the teacher.
- In each summer semester, several introductory seminars with the module code S1G1 from the electives of the Bachelor study program Mathematik are offered. These are primarily aimed at students in their second semester.
- In the Teacher Training Bachelor progarm Mathematics the seminar MB04 Höhere Mathematik is a compulsory module. Therefore, two of these seminars are usually offered in the summer semester.
If you would like to take part in a seminar S1G1 or MB04, please note the procedure:
- The various seminars S1G1 and MB04 are each presented in an information event:
- presentation S1G1
- presentation MB04. - All those interested can then use a selection form to indicate which of the seminars they would like to or could participate in.
- After the form entries have been evaluated, the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics allocates the places.
- Participants will be informed which seminar they have been assigned to.
The seminar 'Mathematikdidaktik' must be completed in the Master of Education program.
- Several of these seminars are offered each summer semester.
- At the end of the previous winter semester, the lecturers provide information about the content of their seminars at an information event.
- The lecturers then also allocate places.
If you would like to take part in a 'Hauptseminar' of the Bachelor's program or a graduate seminar of the Master's program in Mathematics, please proceed as follows:
- In BASIS you will find the list of seminars offered in the following semester approximately three weeks before the end of the lecture period.
- The dates for the preliminary meetings, which usually take place close to the end of the semester, should then already be announced.
- If a preliminary meeting date is already listed, then please attend it. There you will learn details about the content of the seminar, and the topics for the talks are usually already assigned.
- If there is no date for a preliminary meeting, write an e-mail to the lecturer and express your interest in the seminar.
- By accepting a presentation at the preliminary meeting, you commit to attending the seminar. As a rule, this is documented by your signature on the lecturer's seminar list.
- For some seminars, the number of interested participants is higher than the number of talks available, or certain prerequisites are required. In this case, you may not get a place in the desired seminar. It therefore makes sense to have an alternative in mind when planning your courses.
- In the Master's degree program, you have the option of once re-taking a graduate seminar with an identical module code but different content, as an Additional Module F5X1.
Academic discourse is practiced in seminars. The Examination Board therefore announces that attendance is compulsory in all seminar modules.
- In a seminar, each participant gives a talk on a predetermined topic to the whole group.
- The seminar lecturer can help with the preparation of the topic.
- There is often a meeting to answer questions and plan the talk or a trial presentation is scheduled.
- The presentation can be followed by a discussion in the group so that oral mathematical argumentation can be practiced.
- Your presence in the seminar determines whether you are admitted to the module exam of the seminar.
Practical trainings are part of the course offerings in both the subject degree programs and the teacher training program in mathematics. The practical trainings are of different types and each has its own rules for the allocation of places and for the implementation.
In a practical teaching course, you will lead an exercise group for a mathematics lecture.
If you are interested in a practical teaching course, you need to
- Apply for a tutor position with one of the mathematical institutes, or
- contact one of the coordinators of the practical teaching courses (Dr. Michael Welter or Dr. Richard Schubert),
well in advance of the semester in which you wish to lead a tutorial. You will find current job opportunities under information for student assistants.
- solid knowledge in the area to be tutored
- a contract as tutor
- with one of the institutes (MI, IAM, INS, DM) or
- with another department, together with the approval of one of the coordinators. - It is also recommended to attend a tutor training but this is not mandatory.
- successful application as tutor,
- examination registration in due time,
- The examiner is either
- the lecturer of the mathematics lecture to which your tutorial belongs, or
- one of the coordinators if the lecture is from another department.
- Implementation of the exercise class
preparation and implementation of the problem sessions, correction of homework, assistance with final exams,... - Evaluation of your performance as a tutor during (at least) one visit by the examining lecturer,
- Preparation of a portfolio in which you reflect on your didactic activity in the exercise class. You can find detailed information on designing a portfolio in the templates
1) for exercise classes with homework correction (PDF-version / TEX-version)
2) for presence only exercise classes (PDF-version / TEX-version).
In case 1), when archiving an exercise sheet in your portfolio, please ask the student concerned to fill out the declaration of consent.
Please ask your examiner any questions about your individual portfolio.
- The examiner assigns the final grade on the basis of the tutorial evaluation and the portfolio.
For the external internship, you have to find your internship position and an examiner in mathematics yourself. All mathematics lecturers are available for this purpose, and in particular the internship coordinator, Carsten Rezny.
IMPORTANT:It is best to contact the lecturer or the internship coordinator at least four weeks before the start of the internship.
- Internship position with a mathematical focus in a company:
Insurance companies, financial companies, energy industry, telecommunications, auditing, management consultancy, IT/software development, research and development in industry, research institutions, engineering-type activities, ... - Required expertise depending on the project.
- Clarify internship position and associated project in the company
- Find an examiner from mathematics and obtain approval for the project.
- Before the internship starts fill out the registraton form, have it signed and hand it in at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.
- Please indicate the semester in which you complete the internship including presentation and report.
- You can register at any time, regardless of the usual deadline, in consultation with the examiner.
- six weeks full-time in the company, usually during the semester break,
- supervision by a contact person in the company
- write a report (approx. 8 pages)
usually up to four weeks after the end of the internship, exceptions by arrangement - give a presentation (15 to 20 minutes)
Several presentation dates per semester are set by the examiners or the internship coordinator.
- feedback on the internship from the company supervisor
- grading by the mathematics examiner on the basis of the company feedback, the report and the presentation
- Programming labs are offered in the areas of logic, discrete mathematics, numerical mathematics and stochastics.
- There are participation requirements for certain programming labs. Please inform yourself in advance in the module handbook of your degree program, which you can find in our document archive.
- As a rule, dates for preliminary meetings are announced in BASIS, at which the practical projects are distributed.
- If no date is given for a preliminary meeting, please contact the lecturer by e-mail and express your interest in the practical lab.
- The practical lab consists on the one hand of the project you work on and on the other hand of the presentation of your work and the results.
The 'Mathematisches Praktikum' in the Bachelor's Teacher Training program Mathematics can be filled in various ways:
- with a practical teaching course,
- with a programming lab in linear algebra,
- with an eLearning practical training,
- with further offers according to the course catalog.
Courses of Other Subjects
Courses from other departments are part of the study program in all mathematics degree programs. They are always subject to the rules of the subject in which they are offered, and these can differ considerably from those of mathematics.
Students of the subject-specific degree programs attend courses in other departments as part of a secondary subject.
- You will finden under Nebenfach which modules are permitted in your degree program and which specific rules apply to the selection of courses.
- In the course catalog you can see which courses of your secondary subject are offered in the respective semester.
- Please refer to the study page of your secondary subject for information on the participation modalities and procedures in this subject.
Study pages of the three standard secondary subjects:
In the teacher training program, you will study (at least) one other subject and educational sciences in addition to mathematics.
- Please be aware that the procedures and rules in these subjects differ from those in mathematics.
- Please refer to the study pages of your other teacher training subject and the BZL for information on the procedures that apply there.
- Study page of the BZL
The Sprachlernzentrum (SLZ) of Bonn University offers a wide range of language courses for students.
- Language courses can be taken in both subject-specific degree programs.
- In Bachelor Mathematik, a language course (with 6 credit points) can be included in the degree as part of the free electives.
- In Master Mathematics, a language course is always an supplementary course and cannot be included in the degree.
The following applies to the SLZ language courses:
- The language modules of the SLZ can be found in the course catalog under Qualifizierungsangebote für Studierende.
- There are participation requirements.
- In many cases a placement test is required.
In order to participate in a course, it must be taken in BASIS before the start of the semester. - If you are accepted, you will then be invited to take part in the course.
- You must register for the exam via BASIS in due time.
- How to register for a language course (SLZ) (in German)
Students of the subject-specific study programs can attend courses from other degree programs at the University of Bonn as part of the free electives.
- The department offering a course can determine whether and how you may participate as you are not enrolled in their degree program.
- Therefore, if you are interested in a course that is not included in your curriculum, ask the relevant department as early as possible whether and how you can take part in it.
- If you are also planning to take the examination for this course, please also ask there whether and how this is possible.
If you are planning to include a module which is not part of your curriculum into your degree in mathematics please note:
- Only modules that do not overlap in contents with mathematics modules are permitted.
- In Master Mathematics, the module in question must also come from a Master's degree program.
- Make sure beforehand at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics if the desired module is permissible.

Registering for Examinations
The procedures presented here are about your participation in courses and their implementation.
The following applies completely independently of this:
If you wish to take an examination in the modules to which the courses belong and receive a grade for it, then you must register for the associated module examinations in due time!
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