Universität Bonn

For Students and Teachers

There are many people working in Bonn Mathematics and at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics who are firmly convinced that math is great fun. Within the framework of numerous activities, we convey this message to students. We intensively support talented children and adolescents in the Bonn Math Club and give them an authentic impression of the study of math. Intensive cooperation with schools and teachers in the region is an important concern for us.

Current Events
01.02.25, 14 Uhr: Bonner Matheclub: Präsenz und online
Präsenz: Klasse 1-2, Klasse 3-4, Klasse 5-8 Online: Klasse 1-4,  Klasse 5-8, ab Klasse 9
04.02.24: MINT-Tag für Schülerinnen: ab Stufe 10
Dieser Tag ist eine gute Gelegenheit, um herauszufinden, ob ein Studium in Mathe oder einem anderen MINT-Fach das Richtige für Euch ist. 
08.02.25, 10 - 15 Uhr: Wissenschaftsrallye: Junge Entdecker*innen gesucht
Am Startpunkt erhältst Du einen Lageplan und Deinen „Laufzettel“. Dann geht's los! Zahlreiche Stationen mit spannenden und interessanten Aufgaben warten auf Dich.
08.02.25, 14 Uhr: Bonner Matheclub: nur online
nur Online: Klasse 1-4, Klasse 5-8, ab Klasse 9 Der Matheclub in Präsenz findet nicht statt, weil parallel die Wissenschaftsrallye ist. 
15.02.2025, 14 Uhr: Bonner Matheclub: Präsenz und online
Präsenz: Klasse 1-2, Klasse 3-4, Klasse 5-8 Online: Klasse 1-4, Klasse 5-8, ab Klasse 9 Zu Besuch sind taube Kinder aus Berlin. Daher wird der Matheclub zum Teil in Gebärdensprache angeboten. Danach folgt für die gesondert angemeldeten Kinder ein Programm mit Spielen, Pizzaessen und Theaterbesuch.
22./23.02.25: Matheausflug nach Mainz
Wir besuchen die Mitmach-Ausstellung "Ich mach Mathe!" und machen Wettbewerbstraining. Für Kinder von Klasse 3 bis Klasse 8.
01.03.25, 14 Uhr: Bonner Matheclub: Präsenz und online
Präsenz: Klasse 1-2, Klasse 3-4, Klasse 5-8Online: Klasse 1-4,  Klasse 5-8, ab Klasse 9

Bonn Math Club

In the Bonn Math Club, talented students from elementary and high schools meet every Saturday afternoon on-site and virtually together with math students and mathematicians to "do math" together.

Bonn Math Tournament

Every year, around 80 schools compete against each other. The tournament requires not only mathematical skills but also team spirit. In parallel, the tournament takes place in Hannover, The Netherlands, and Belgium.

School Visits

Our dedicated team of students comes into your classroom and holds self-developed lessons - for all grades, starting from elementary school. You and your class are free to choose the topic from our varied offer.

Students' Week

How does studying math actually work? You can try it out for a few days - with us! Math lectures, exercises, workshops, information, study advice, nice people and lots of fun.

Mathematical Walks

Mathematics can be experienced and discovered - all around us! With this project we would like to encourage school classes to do mathematics outside the classroom.

Girls' Day

Every year in April, companies and universities open their doors to interested girls. With us, you get to know female mathematicians and find out how much fun math can be.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

Math Olympiads

We actively participate in the annual international "macht mathe" competitions. In addition, we help organize the regional Math Olympiads and support the German team at the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad.

Arithmeum Children's Program

Both science and art can fascinate children. The Arithmeum addresses children who are interested in this combination. On every 1st Saturday of the month there is a public children's program with varying topics.

FFF - Early Studies 

In Bonn it is possible for students to attend regular university courses parallel to their school lessons even before they graduate from high school. The HCM supports this project and early students in mathematics.

Targeted preparation for math (early) studies

We prepare mathematically gifted young people specifically for math (early) studies or provide them with intensive support during early studies in mathematics.  

Math competition training

We offer targeted math competition training in which strategies for thematically related tasks at national round level are systematically taught. The training sessions take place online, currently with a focus on grades 5+6.

Toeplitz Kolloquium

The lectures in the field of didactics and history of mathematics  are aimed at a broader audience consisting of teachers, researchers, mathematical educators, historians of mathematics, and students. 

Science Rallye

The science rally takes you to mathematical, scientific, agricultural and medical institutes, museums and facilities in Bonn-Poppelsdorf. Of course, mathematics is always involved!

Jugend forscht

The University of Bonn organizes the regional competition of "Jugend forscht". If you want to submit a young researcher's paper and need expert advice, please contact us.

Dr. Hans Riegel-Fachpreise

The best "Facharbeiten" (theses) of students from Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis are awarded every year. If you are interested in writing a mathematics thesis and need professional advice, please contact us.


workshops every Saturday
in our Bonn Math Club


participants per year
in our Math Tournament

> 200

school visits so far
by our school team


Avatar Räsch

Dr. Thoralf Räsch

Contact person for students and teachers, leader of the Early Studies Program FFF, and presenter of various events
Avatar Hartmann

Stefan Hartmann

PR manager, contact person for students and teachers, leader of the Bonn Math Club and the School Team
Avatar Kaenders

Prof. Dr. Rainer Kaenders

Professor for Mathematics Education
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