Reporting Sick

If you are registered for an exam and fall ill so that you are unable to take the exam on the scheduled date, certain steps and documents are required to excuse yourself.

Please pay particular attention to the deadlines mentioned, otherwise the examination will be marked as failed!

Notification of Illness for Examinations

According to §63(7) HG NRW, only certificates that explicitly attest to the inability to take the examination can be accepted. A standard certificate of incapacity for work is not sufficient; it must at least contain a doctor's note about the incapacity for the examination.

  • You must call in sick on the day of the exam at the latest, preferably by e-mail to
  • A medical certificate confirming your inability to take the examination must be submitted to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics within one week.
  • You can also send us a scanned copy of the original certificate with signature. In this case, you no longer need to submit the original document.
  • If these deadlines are not met, the examination date is marked as failed.

You can use our certificate form instead of the medical certificate:

Students in the Teacher Training program please follow the regulations of the BZL for reporting sick:

Repeating an Exam in the Case of Illness

If you were ill on the day of the first examination date, we will register you for the second examination date. In the event of illness on the second examination date, it is normally no longer possible to repeat the examination in the same semester.

If you were ill on the day of the second examination date, a third examination date will not normally be scheduled.

  • You can complete the module examination in a later semester instead.
  • As a rule, you are not entitled to another timely examination attempt.
  • In some cases, however, especially for examinations relevant to the degree, it is desirable to enable the module examination to be completed in a timely manner.
  • Therefore, a third examination date can be held if the examiner and examinee mutually agree.

If you would like a third examination date in a justified case, please proceed as follows:

  • Obtain the examiner's approval.
  • Submit a written and informal request for a third examination date to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. This should include confirmation that the examiner agrees to your request.
  • The request must be received no later than two weeks after you have been informed of the result of the second examination date.
  • A date for the re-examination will then be set together with the examiner.
  • If you are enrolled in the Bachelor's program Mathematik and have not completed a module examination in a compulsory lecture module in one semester due to illness, you must retake it in the following year.
  • In the case of elective modules, you decide for yourself whether or not you wish to register in a subsequent semester.
  • If you have excused yourself from an examination with a medical note this examination attempt will not be counted.
  • You will take the exam again on the next examination date with the same attempt number as on the missed date.
© Hausdorff Center for Mathematics

Illness While Working on the Thesis

If you fall ill while you are working on your thesis, you can apply for an extension of the submission date.

  • In this case please hand in a medical note at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.
  • The certificate must state the extent to which you were unable to work and how long this restriction lasted.
  • Please submit the certificate as soon as the illness-related restriction occurs, not at the end of the working period.
  • The extension of the submission deadline is calculated according to the information on the certificate.
  • The extension can be a maximum of six weeks.
  • If suitable, you can use the Certificate of Incapacity. If necessary, this must be supplemented by the above-mentioned information (the word "unfit for examination" alone is not sufficient in this case).

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Examination Office of Mathematics

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