Entry into a Study Program
The transition from school to university or from a Bachelor's to a Master's degree course, often combined with a change of location, brings with it changes and challenges. For this reason, Bonn Mathematics has set up some special offers for first-year students to make it easier for them to start their studies.
This includes:
- an orientation event for the entry into the study program,
- a student mentoring program in which students from higher semesters support you as a beginner,
- a helpdesk to accompany the basic lectures ("Grundvorlesungen") in the Bachelor's program,
- the academic mentoring program in the Master's program with a professor in your area of specialization.
We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Bonn!
In all degree programs, an introductory event takes place at the beginning of each semester in which you can begin your studies, at which you will receive important information about the structure and organization of the degree program.
The orientation event for Bachelor students in the subject-specific and teaching degree programs usually takes place in the week before the start of the lecture period in the winter semester.
You can read the main contents:
The orientation event for beginners in the Master's program Mathematics usually takes place on the first day of the lecture period.
You can read the main contents in our presentation.
Starting your studies can raise many questions and problems. To provide support, students in higher semesters offer first-year students on their degree program mentoring for personal questions about studying mathematics.
Mentor and mentee meet once or twice at the beginning of the semester in a relaxed atmosphere and talk about the entry into the studies. This is not about technical questions or tasks from the exercises. Rather, the following topics can be addressed, for example:
- How do I get started on the degree program?
- How do I organize myself well in self-study?
- Where can I find help if I have subject-related problems?
- What is the best way to go about writing a thesis?
- What can I do if I feel overwhelmed in terms of time, when there is hardly any free time left?
- What do I do if I have motivation problems or self-doubt?
- How can I get to know people from other subjects at university?
The mentoring sessions can make it easier for you to get started and help you find your way around mathematics in Bonn.
The placement of student mentors is organized by some students every semester. If you would like a mentor, please get in touch with
- your name
- your e-mail address
by e-mail to hcm.mentorinnen@ins.uni-bonn.de.
The helpdesks are an open learning offer for the basic lectures of the first year of study in the subject and teacher training bachelor's degrees in mathematics, which is supervised by students from higher semesters.
The location is room N1.002 in the adjacent building of the Mathematics Center.
In the helpdesks, you have the opportunity to ask any unanswered questions, pick up on content from the lecture and work on exercises. During the lecture period there are 2 to 3 fixed dates per week for each lecture.
In addition, there are further dates for preparing for the exams and repeat exams, if necessary.
Helpdesks are offered for the following lectures:
- Analysis I/II
- Lineare Algebra I/II
- Algorithmische Mathematik I/II
- Grundzüge der Mathematik I/II
- Lineare Algebra (for teacher training and computer science)
All Master's students are assigned professorial mentors from their specified area of specialization in the first semester, who help them to plan their studies in the best possible way. After this semester, an evaluation meeting with the mentors is mandatory.
- Placement
After you have enrolled in the Master's degree program in Mathematics, we will enter which mentor is assigned to you in your student account. You can view this information there.
Assignment is based on the area of specialization A to F you specified in your application. There are one or two mentors per area each semester.
- Joint Introduction
In the first few days after the start of the lecture period, each mentor organizes a joint meeting with all mentees. The courses in the specific area are presented there and questions can be asked about planning your studies.
During the semester, the mentors are available to answer any academic questions you may have about your studies. You can visit your mentor's office hours or contact them by e-mail.
- Obligatory Individual Meeting
At the end of the first semester, you will have an individual interview with your mentor. This interview is obligatory for you. Your mentor will invite you and arrange an appointment with you.
The aim of this meeting is to determine together whether your start to your studies has been successful and whether you would like or need further support. If not, the academic mentoring ends. The meeting will be documented in minutes.
Further Offers
The Student Council of Mathematics is available for all questions about studying, offers support with problems and organizes events both of a subject-related nature and to get to know each other and exchange ideas.
In addition to the offers of the departments, the University of Bonn organizes many events and courses for international students.
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