Continue with a Ph.D.

Doctorate in Mathematics

The Bonn Mathematics doctoral program is based at the Bonn International Graduate School in Mathematics (BIGS). BIGS belongs to the HCM (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics) as part of the Cluster of Excellence funded by the German government.

The doctorate usually lasts three years and graduates are awarded the title "Dr. rer. nat.". A prerequisite for doctoral studies is a first degree. This is normally a Master's degree, in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree is also sufficient.

For non-subject-specific questions about a doctorate at the University of Bonn, you are welcome to contact the Bonn Graduate Center. Among other things, it offers qualification workshops for those interested in doing a doctorate and doctoral candidates.

Financing During the Doctorate

BIGS offers a range of financial support options for the period of the doctorate.

Contact Us



You can apply to BIGS via an online portal, which will be activated by the application deadlines.

Doctorate at the Faculty

If you have any questions about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), please contact the Doctoral Office.

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